frequently asked questions
What kind of donations are you looking for?
Please submit pieces that are of a high quality, as if you were giving a gift to a friend or relative. Art of all genres and styles is accepted, as long as works are thoughtfully chosen. Professional status as an artist is not a requirement.
Small paintings and drawings, either on paper or canvas, are best. We have some capacity to frame works on paper, but cannot guarantee all submitted works will be framed. We have no rigid guidelines, but are mostly accepting artworks that are smaller than 3’x3’ feet.
How to Submit
For digital submission, please include all the information outlined in the "submit your work" part of the website. Once we receive your proposal, we will contact you with further details. If you have further inquiries, please email If you don’t have the tools to document your work let us know and we will try to help.
How will I get my painting to you?
We have arranged for four drop-off points within Toronto (Etobicoke, West, Central, East). See map below and indicate if you're able to drop off work and we'll share the address/contact information. We have also added drop-off points in Oakville, Kingston, and Ottawa. Please inform us in your submission if you are from one of those areas.

If outside of Toronto, we ask for you to mail the work (address upon request). Please note your preference in your submission email. We have limited capacity as a small volunteer team to collect art work from those who for whatever reason cannot mail or drop off art. We’ll do our best to figure it out.
Can I include a letter with my painting?
Yes, we would love it if you could write a short note to the senior who will be getting your work. You can talk about the painting and why you made it, or just say hello (return address optional!)
Where are the paintings going?
As of the beginning of July We have collected over 300 original pieces by local artists, many have been delivered to Fudger house in Toronto. We’re now working with Castleview in Toronto’s West end and Westburn Lodge in Etobicoke. Artworks will be installed in the rooms of residents and common areas of the Long Term Care Homes.
We are now working with a Long Term Care Home in Oakville and Kingston, Ontario and will accept donations from artists in those areas.
How are you ensuring the safety of residents and staff?
We are working closely with the City of Toronto to ensure that art arrives at the homes in a safe and sanitized manner. All work will be handled in PPE and we will not be entering the homes. Fudger House has a handy-person on staff who will be installing the art in the seniors' rooms.
How will seniors be matched with work?
We provide documentation of the artworks delivered for Long Term Care administrators to show residents images of art. LTC administrators are managing the fair distribution of art to the rooms of residents, based on their tastes and input. Fudger House is currently working with the Residence Council to decide on a fair process for art selection.